Quranic Arabic is very mysterious. It is not the same as the Arabic spoken in modern times. The Arabic used in the Quran has its own unique vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, which can make it difficult for non-native speakers to understand.
90% of the beauty of the Sacred Book is lost when you read it in other languages. Not just the beauty but the right understanding of the verses is distorted since Quran is rich in metaphorical language, which can be challenging to interpret and understand.
Allah said in Surah Ash-Shu’ara, 198, 199
“And even if We had revealed the Quran among the foreigners, And he (prophet Mohammed) had recited it to them [perfectly], they would [still] not have been believers in it”.
10 Tips to Learn Arabic for Quran
In this article, we’ll highlight some tips that will enable you to understand Arabic for Quran in a deeper way. We hope it’ll help you.
1. Focus on Quranic Vocabulary
Quranic Arabic has a unique vocabulary that is different from MSA. So, it’s a little ridiculous if you waste your time studying words that have no existence in Quran.
To understand what I mean, look at those examples for Quranic words with high frequency and its translation in English
Quranic vocabulary |
Frquency | English translation |
الجنّة | 66 | Paradise |
النار | 126 | Fire |
الأرض | 88 | Earth |
الملائكة | 68 | Angles |
الشياطين | 68 | Devils |
الإنسان | 63 | Human |
To prepare for Quranic studies, it’s important to learn the most common Quranic vocabulary words. You can find lists of Quranic vocabulary online. However, it’s better to learn words in it a context or a sentence not just as single items.
2. Use Repetition Technique to Conclude the Meaning
One of the good ways to understand the meaning of any word is by looking at all the contexts in which it’s found and making a comparison between them
For example, the word يبتلي (test in English) is found in about 28 times in various contexts.
So, by collecting all the results in which this word is mentioned and reading all of them, you can conclude the meaning easily of this specific word by yourself.
You can use dictionary to look for all the verses that include unfamiliar words. All the results will be shown easily below.
Note: I personally don’t recommend this technique for people in the beginning level, because it might challenge your minds. However, it’s perfect for people at the moderate and advanced levels.
3. Practice Reading Quranic Texts
Reading Quranic texts regularly can help you become more familiar with the language and its structure. The question is what surahs you should read first?
Well, the answer differs from one person to another. However, it’s better to start with prophets’ stories because they’re much easier, more emotional, and more interesting like any story.
You can learn more about Grammer and pronunciation rules, using those stories. And the good advantage is that you don’t feel the boredom you might feel when reading a traditional grammar book.
We recommend you start with the story of prophet Ibrheem. It’s found in many surahs. For example, Surah al baqarah highlighted his dialogue with Allah about how to revive the deed (verse 260), besides his debate with Nimrod who claimed his power to bring the deed to life. (verse 258). Moreover get online arabic reading course from professional Arabic tutor.
4. Listen to Quranic Recitation
Listening to Quranic recitation can help you improve your pronunciation and develop an ear for the language. In fact, listening to Quran regularly can help you in four aspects
Build your vocabulary
By listening to the Quran, you will be exposed to new words and phrases that you may not have encountered before. This can help expand your Quranic vocabulary and improve your understanding of the language.
Learn the context of the words
When you listen to the Quran, you can learn new words and phrases in context, which can help you understand their meaning and usage better. This can help you remember the words more easily and use them correctly.
Improve your Pronunciation
Listening to the Quran can also help improve your pronunciation of Quranic Arabic. You can learn how to pronounce words and phrases correctly by listening to the recitation of a skilled reciter.
5. Study Basic Grammar
As I don’t recommend studying grammatical rules, using the traditional way for people at the advanced level, I highly advise people at the beginning level to study basic grammar, and even take courses from native Arabic tutors if that will help them.
Grammar will help learners understand the structure of Arabic sentences and their components or the important parts of Arabic speech (subject, verbs, nominal and verbal phrases, adjectives, etc), which forms a basic ground for them to comprehend any verse by deconstructing its grammatical structure.
Also, studying grammar will help learners to identify word roots, as every word in Arabic can be traced back to a three-letter root by understanding this root. For example, those words سلام، سَلم، مسلم، مسلمين، إسلام are derived from a simple verb سَلَمَ.
Another question that might intrigue you. How can I learn basic Arabic grammar?
The answers will differ. You can read some books such as Arabic -An Essential Grammar by Faruk Abu-Chacra or listen to free youtube channels.
Also, you can enroll in the Arabic grammar course by Quran Spirit, a highly recommended course by several students worldwide, and follow a customized one-to-one study plan with your Arabic tutor.
6. Learn to Use the Arabic Dictionary
Using an Arabic dictionary is a great way to learn Quranic Arabic. And whether you’re a beginner or advanced, you should learn how to use it. Here are some steps to follow:
Choose a reliable Arabic dictionary
There are many Arabic dictionaries available online, but it’s important to choose one that is reliable and specifically designed for Quranic Arabic. Some popular options include “Al-Mawrid” and Quranic Arabic Corpus
Look up the meaning of unfamiliar words
When you come across an unfamiliar word in the Quran, look it up in the dictionary. Arabic dictionaries are usually organized by root letters, so you’ll need to identify the root letters of the word you’re looking for. Once you’ve found the root letters, look for the word in the dictionary and note down its meaning.
Pay attention to word forms
Arabic words can have multiple forms depending on tense, person, and number. When you look up a word in the dictionary, pay attention to its different forms and meanings. This can help you understand how the word is used in different contexts.
For example, the word إيمان faith (noun) is derived from the word آمن believe and the person who believes is called مؤمن (subject), and the imperative form of this verb is آمِن for singular or آمنوا for the plural. So imagine how many forms you can extract from a single three-letter root.
Memorize the new vocabulary
As you look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary, make a note of them in a separate notebook or flashcards. Review these words regularly and use them in various contexts that convey their meaning.
Practice using new words
Once you’ve learned new words, try using them in sentences and conversations. This can help you understand how the words are used in context and improve your overall understanding of Quranic Arabic.
7. Create a learning schedule
Without a clear schedule, you will not achieve anything and you mind find yourself in the learning process without noticing any improvement. Here’s a short guideline on how to form a study plan that fits you.
Determine your goals
Before setting out your schedule, determine what you want to achieve through studying Quranic Arabic. Do you want to improve your reading skills, recite Quran clearly, or learn the context of the verses or Tafsir? Maybe you seek to learn all of them. Ok, no problem. However, you should highlight all the goals you want to do for making an effective schedule.
Assess your current level
Assess your current level of Quranic Arabic proficiency. This will help you determine how much time you must dedicate to different aspects of language learning, such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
There are many tests you can try out. For example, this link has many quizzes that can use for evaluating your grammar understanding. You can also test your vocabulary here.
Allocate time for studying
Determine how much time you can realistically dedicate to studying Quranic Arabic each day or week, and specify a specific hour every day to start learning. For example, you can set a time between 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 pm for Quranic Arabic learning
Break down your study sessions
Divide your study sessions into smaller, manageable tasks. For example, you might dedicate 20 minutes to memorizing verses, 30 minutes to reviewing grammar rules, and 10 minutes to practicing pronunciation.
Use a variety of resources
Merge a variety of resources to keep your study sessions engaging and effective. You can use textbooks, online courses, Arabic learning podcasts, and flashcards. But don’t overwhelm yourself with all of that in the beginning. Start with your perfect learning medium then add other tools when you progress.
Review and adjust your schedule
Regularly review your schedule to assess your progress and adjust as needed. This can help you stay on track and achieve your goals. Remember that everyone’s schedule will look different based on their goals and availability. The most important thing is to establish a consistent routine and dedicate regular time to studying Quranic Arabic.
8. Understand the Context and the Reason for Revelation
Understanding the reasons for the revelation of any verses is so crucial for learning Quranic Arabic. For learning the context, you’ve to study the verses in sequence, especially when it revolves around one event to get the whole meaning.
Besides, you should look at the tafsir to understand the historical and environmental perspective surrounding the verses you study. There are many books you can rely on in this regard, including Tafsir Ibn Kathir and Tafsir Al Tabari. Learning Tafsir not only leads you to understand the meaning of Quranic vocabulary but also the cultural, political, and social events that occurred at this time of revelation.
For example, learning the social system in the Arabian peninsula before Islam can provide a clear understanding of the verses that handled the issue of slavery and freedom in Islam.
9. Practice Regularly
Consistent practice is critical to improving your Arabic skills. Make a schedule for studying and practicing Quranic Arabic and stick to it. Even a few minutes a day can make a difference.
Remember to be patient and persistent in your studies. Read the Quran regularly to practice your Arabic skills. Start with short surahs and gradually move to longer ones. Pay attention to the grammar and vocabulary used in the verses. You can also listen to recitations of the Quran to improve your pronunciation.
Learning Quranic Arabic can be challenging, but you can achieve your language goals with dedication and practice.
10 . Take a Quranic Arabic Course with Native Tutors
Taking a structured course in Quranic Arabic can help develop a deeper understanding of the language and its context within Islamic teachings. Quranic Arabic courses can be found online or in person at Islamic centers or universities.
Quran Spirit provides with intensive Arabic course that helps you learn the beauty of this Arabic language and its nuances by looking at the vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, tafsir, and context, with the guidance and instruction of hand-picked native Arabic tutors from Egypt. All are well-equipped with a long experience in teaching Quran to foreigners for long years with the recent cutting-edge technological methods.
Read more about the Online Quranic Arabic course here and be ready for a free trial.