Learn fiqh online from one of the courses offered by Quran spirit, which includes teaching the Islamic fiqh approach to students and studying the various sects, in addition to learning the Fiqh Basics in detail.
So that the student is able to fully understand the fiqh approach, and in light of that we will discuss the mechanisms of studying in fiqh course online.
Explanation of Fiqh
The science of Fiqh relates to the actions of the taxpayers, and the relationship of the taxpayer with his Lord, with himself, and with other members of society, and includes words, deeds, contracts, and dispositions.
That is practical rulings, which branch out into acts of worship and transactions. Acts of worship are like: prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and so on.
- And transactions such as contracts, dispositions, penalties, guarantees, and other matters that are intended to regulate relations between individuals, whether the provisions related to the family such as marriage, divorce, lineage, alimony, inheritance, and so on.
- or civil transaction provisions; From buying, selling, and renting, or criminal matters related to felonies and transgressions issued by the taxpayer, judicial rulings.
And international rulings that regulate the relationship of the Muslim state with other countries, and this is what we will learn about in detail in learn fiqh online course.
Importance of studying Fiqh
The importance of staying in learn fiqh online lies in many matters and aspects, some of which are listed below:
Understanding religion is one of the most important things that a Muslim must have. The wisdom of creation lies in the worship of Allah Almighty.
And worship is only through knowledge of Islamic fiqh, its evidence, and the rulings related to it, and this is what we convey to our students in fiqh classes online Course.
- useful knowledge influences the fear of Allah Almighty, the feeling of always observing Him, and glorifying His sanctities, which prompts a person to perform duties and commands.
To call to Allah Almighty, and to clarify the truth to the servants, and that is a sign and evidence of Allah’s love for the servant, and the will of good for him.
- Obtaining and achieving guidance and happiness, as useful knowledge is one of the causes of happiness and guidance if the Muslim servant is keen on purity, and does what he calls for.
- Seeking knowledge is one of the most extraordinary acts of worship and worship that a Muslim servant draws close to his Lord, and one of the noblest and noblest sciences is the Sharia sciences.
Where can I learn fiqh?
It is worth noting that there are multiple ways to study fiqh online, and this method varies in order to suit and keep pace with students’ circumstances, such as:
1- The first method: learn fiqh online. One of the most common methods at this time is learn fiqh online, where students depend on receiving practical materials remotely.
In addition, it provides them with flexibility in time and ability to teach, in addition to the availability of a distinguished elite of teachers to explain the materials.
For example, Quran spirit offers to learn fiqh online courses, and students can easily participate in this course, and receive Fiqh Basics through fiqh classes online.
2- Studying at the hands of a sheik who is well-versed in the art that the student is studying, and what some students of knowledge are doing in the contemporary time is not right to study on himself.
As it is necessary for a sheik to quickly solve the complexities of the sciences that the student does not understand, and explain what is confusing to him, and then after that, he can Use what you trust.
What do you study in fiqh?
There are many chapters of Fiqh Basics that are dealt with Islamic fiqh and its provisions are presented. Rather, Fiqh Basics includes and deals with all areas of life, and the following is a presentation of the most important chapters of Islamic fiqh:
1- First: fiqh of worship: It includes the rulings related to the worship of Allah Almighty and obedience to Him – in the most specific sense according to the jurists.
That a Muslim performs with his body, such as purification, prayer, and fasting, or with his money, such as zakat, or with his body and money together, such as Hajj.
2- Second: Fiqh of financial transactions: It includes human financial actions and the like, and people’s dealings with one another in the light of what Allah Almighty has prescribed for them.
Such as selling, renting, partnerships, and delegation… or what He forbade them from usury, fraud, and monopoly. This is what jurists call today: civil law…
3- Third: Family fiqh: Some contemporary researchers express it in terms of personal status, and it includes provisions on betrothal and marriage, breastfeeding, custody, alimony, divorce, bequests and inheritances, and the like.
4- Fourth: Fiqh of felonies and punishments: It includes legal rulings related to crimes and penalties, whether they are retaliation for assaulting lives or bodies.
Or hadd punishments for theft, adultery, slander, and the like, or exhortations for insulting embezzlement, or forgery, and it was intended to do so.
Penalties, maintaining security and controlling public order, and protecting society from the causes of disintegration, dissolution and loss. And they call this day: penal law or criminal.
5- Fifth: Fiqh of conduct and jihad: It includes the provisions of international relations between the Islamic State and other countries.
In the states of peace and war, and the related treaties, charters, alliances, exchange of interests and envoys, which is known today as international humanitarian law.
6- Sixth: fiqh of nouzum: It includes provisions regulating the judiciary, methods of proof, and related claims and evidence. Today it is called: the judicial system and the law of pleadings.
It also includes the system of government in Islam, the relationship between the ruler and the ruled, and the duties and rights of each of them.
Today it is called: constitutional law. As for what is related to the provisions of states, jobs, and public administrations, it is called: Administrative law.
All this was singled out in the old books under the name: “Al-Ahkam Al-Sultaniyyah”. and “legitimate politics”.
7- Seventh: Fiqh of prohibition and permissibility: It includes the provisions of the virtues and disadvantages of words and actions, and the behavior of the servants in their food, clothing, and behavior.
This is known as the chapter on prohibition and permissibility, and similar to this from the Shari’a etiquette, which was dealt with by some jurisprudential books, especially the Hanafi books.
Tips for effective learn fiqh online
Seeking knowledge is considered a great worship, and therefore the intention of worshiping Allah – the Highest – must be sincere before starting it, and beware of intending to show off to peers.
Or to gain something from the enjoyment of the world, and after reforming the intention, the seeker of knowledge must show determination, and avoid everything that may distract him from his goal.
In addition to being aware of committing sins and misdeeds; Because it affects understanding and memorization, it can be said that there are several ways to learn fiqh online that are suitable for different students of knowledge, and some of them are explained below:
- Beginning to study Fiqh Basics according to one of the four well-known schools of jurisprudence, and if it is mastered, move to the rest of the schools.
- Concentration in the study of a specific body, if it was understood, moved to others, and beware of studying several texts at the same time; because of the distraction of the mind, and the lack of mastery of any of them.
- Graduating in the study of texts; It is advised to start with the smallest, then the middle, then the largest, and so on.
- Studying at the hands of a sheik who is proficient in the art that the student wants to study, and it is not correct to study students through websites and forums, or to study them on their own, despite the great benefits and useful sciences that these forums provide.
- However, it is a mistake to rely on it completely in the study, rather there must be a sheik who explains the sciences, and solves difficult issues that are difficult for the student to understand, and after that, it is possible to seek the help of the reliable ones from forums and websites, and instead, you can use online courses to learn fiqh online.
- Following up on memorization and understanding and balancing between them, it is preferable to provide memorization, so the lesson is memorized before being explained by the sheik.
- Installing information and consolidating it in the mind by re-teaching it, as re-explaining the text to any colleague in the lesson confirms and consolidates the information.
the ongoing importance of Fiqh study online
Learn fiqh online is one of the modern learning methods that students rely on relatively large in our current time. In addition to that, this method of learning includes some features, and the following are the features of this method:
- study fiqh online course that contributes to spreading the Islamic religion in all parts of the world and teaching the new youth the principles of their religion in particular.
- fiqh classes online aim to raise a new generation who is well versed in the teachings of Islam and knows the rulings on transactions and acts of worship in detail.
- fiqh course online aims to teach students from different countries of the world what the Islamic religion stipulates.
In conclusion,
many students may ask about How to learn fiqh online, and it is worth noting that learning Fiqh Basics is one of the things obligatory for every Muslim, as fiqh is one of the sciences related to all aspects of life, such as acts of worship and transactions according to the framework of the Islamic religion. So that Quran spirit provides a fiqh course online.