8 Easy Ways to Learn Quran for Beginners

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, is a profound source of guidance, wisdom, and solace for millions of individuals worldwide. Its verses encapsulate a divine message that transcends time and space.  

For those new to the Quran, embarking on the journey of learning how to recite, memorise and understand its teachings can seem daunting. However, with the right approach and resources, the path to Quranic literacy can become accessible and enriching for beginners. 

In this article, we will explore easy and practical ways for beginners to learn Quran; these ten ways will provide you with a solid foundation to unlock the beauty and meaning of the Quranic verses, fostering a deeper connection with the divine words that have captivated hearts for centuries.

8 Ways to Learn the Quran for Beginners

Read below to explore the top 8 easiest ways to kick off your journey with the holy book.

1. Decide which Course to Take

There are many goals for learning the Quran. In fact, the word “ learn” can imply many meanings when it comes to studying the noble book of Islam. Some students seek to memorise it, others are enough to learn how to recite it, and some pursue learning its interpretation and deciphering its beautiful mysteries and meanings. Others want only to learn the science of Tajweed so they can better their recitation of the Quran.

So, take a while before deciding which course you want to take, depending on your goals. Here are some programs in Quran classes for beginners that can decide better which path you’d take

  1. Quran memorization course
  2. Quran recitation course
  3. Tajweed or Noorani Qaida course
  4. Quran Ijazah
  5. Qirat Course
  6. Study Quran Tafsir course

2. Craft your Plan According to Your Pace

After identifying your specific goals of learning the Quran,  Evaluate your current knowledge and skills regarding the Quran. You can take tests to measure your performance by asking for an assessment from a native Quran Arabic. 

After that step, you can identify your strengths and areas for improvement and Determine how much time you can dedicate to studying the Quran each day or week. Be realistic and consider your other commitments. Consistency is key, so choose a schedule that you can realistically follow without feeling overwhelmed

 Also, you should select appropriate learning resources that align with your goals and learning style. This can include Quranic textbooks, online courses, mobile apps, audio recordings, or working with a qualified Quran teacher. Ensure that the resources you choose are reliable and provide clear explanations and guidance.

3. Dedicate Specific Time for Learning

Setting a specific time for Quranic studies allows you to mentally prepare and create a conducive environment for learning. It gives you the opportunity to clear your mind, set intentions, and create a calm and focused mindset before delving into the study of the Quran.

The specific time you dedicate to learning the Quran can vary depending on your schedule and personal preferences. The key is to choose a time that works best for you and commit to it consistently. By doing so, you will create a valuable space for Quranic studies, fostering a deeper connection with the divine words and nurturing personal growth on your spiritual journey.

4. Test Yourself Regularly

Without regular mentoring for your performance, you will never be aware of your progress nor what steps you should take for improvement. By recognizing these areas, you can focus on them during your practice sessions, seeking improvement and refinement.

Here are some ways by which you can test your knowledge

  1. Recite Quran in prayers and notice any mistakes you’ve made
  2. Take tests online in the areas you seek improvement, like Tajweed, Quran Tafsir and Quranic vocabulary
  3. Recite the Quran to a native tutor and ask for feedback
  4. Recite Quran for him and ask him to fix any mistakes found

Remember, testing should not be seen as a source of stress or pressure, but rather as a tool for self-assessment and improvement. It should be approached with a positive mindset, embracing the opportunity to enhance your skills and deepen your connection with the Quran.

5. Stay Focused and Determined 

Focus and determination are key to making progress and achieving growth in your Quranic studies. They allow you to set goals, stay committed to your learning plan, and track your progress over time. By maintaining focus and determination, you can measure your achievements, celebrate milestones, and continue to advance in your understanding of the Quran.

Studying the Quran is a lifelong journey. It requires continuous focus and determination to unlock its beauty and wisdom. By cultivating these qualities, you can deepen your understanding, strengthen your connection with the divine, and embark on a transformative spiritual path.

6. Take Notes as You Learn

Notes serve as a reference for future revision and review. They provide a condensed version of the material you studies , making it easier to revisit and reinforce your understanding. By reviewing your notes periodically, you can refresh your memory, reinforce concepts, and deepen your comprehension of the Quranic teachings.

Find a method that works best for you, whether it’s writing in a notebook, using digital tools, or a combination of both. The important thing is to actively engage with the Quran, organize your thoughts, and create a valuable resource for your ongoing journey of learning and reflection

7. Ask Questions and Receive Feedback

Asking questions allows you to seek clarification and deepen your understanding of the Quranic teachings. It helps clarify any confusion or ambiguity you may have regarding the meaning, context, or application of certain verses. Also, questions encourage you to further explore and research. When you ask questions, you open the door to new perspectives, scholarly interpretations, and additional resources.

It’s important to approach this process with an open mind, humility, and respect for different viewpoints. Embrace the opportunity to deepen your understanding, refine your knowledge, and strengthen your connection with the Quran.

8. Set a Clear, Tidy Environment

Setting a clear environment for studying Quran is important for increasing your focus and avoiding distractions that might slow or hinder the learning process. For organizing your learning environment, remove any stuff that can pull your attention or attract your eyes like lights, colorful mats, or clutter into your space. 

Keep the place tidy with dim light that sharpens your focus further and avoid any noise by keeping notifications shut down and choosing a specific hour of day where there is no one can interrupt you. It could be the early hours of the morning.
